
Levels of Cleanliness

I guess it might seem I have an issue with cleanliness, since there is an earlier post about not littering.

Yes, well, anyway. My unenlightened self is known to use references such as "that pig", "that fat pig" or "that nasty, fat pig". I would be refering to my neighbor's girlfriend who puts her nasty fat pig aura all over our apartments - mine and her boyfriend's. Our front doors practically touch, so it's easy for what they do outside to permeate into or onto my "space."

So, as I drove up and parked my car earlier today and saw her wiping down her glistening new, black something-or-other car, it just struck me how she values cleanliness in one area, but not in ALL areas. What I mean is, she goes through the motions of sweeping things OUT of her boyfriend's apartment and more or less, ONTO my side of the sidewalk that leads to each of our apartments. (And yes, sadly, my unenlightened self continues to miff at her remarkable inability to pick up the trash that misses her dust pan, or bag or whatever instrument she's pretending to try and sweep the trash into.) So in a nutshell, I'm saying, not a speck of dust can land on that new black car. She sees it, screams about it and works hard to keep it off her car. If only she had that level of care and concern towards the REAL TRASH! The outside of our apartments would look nice and clean and my unenlightened self would probably refer to her as a "fat pig" a few times less in a given day than I usually do!

And now, my unenlightened self wants to review:
1. Physical shape and outer appearance of nasty fat pig girlfriend of neighbor vs. outer appearance of new black car = "That fat pig" cares more about her damn car than she does herself or apparently, other people. And that, my friends, is... unfortunate. (In my opinion.)

Thank you very much.
L. Thierry Geaux


Willie Makeit and Betty Wont

Just wanted to scribble something in cyber space before the clock struck midnight. This way, I can claim a July 2008 entry.
